Tools for simulation and forecasting the state of the air environment
CityAir’s numerical calculations of air quality provide insights which are impossible to get as a result of direct measurements
Modeling system for dispersion of passive impurities from sources
Software included in Unified register of Russian programs for computers and databases​
  • Setting source characteristics​
  • Building a plume propagation forecast​
  • Setting breakpoints by the user​
  • Ability to create point and area sources of emissions​
  • Archive of calculations to restore the chronology of events​
System for calculating the transfer of chemically active impurities in atmospheric air
Software included in Unified register of Russian programs for computers and databases​
  • Building a forecast of pollutant concentrations for 72 hours​
  • Setting breakpoints by the user​
  • Archive of calculations to restore the chronology of events​
Our simulation technologies
The models we use take into account local topography and allow to achieve high accuracy of forecasts
The simulation is based on the forecast of the wind velocity field (GFS, WRF) and data on the main emissions sources
Data from CityAir's own monitoring posts and a number of data from other available sources are used to train and refine physical models in a specified area